Tag Archives: Stress

What is Broken Heart Syndrome? | Heart Health Fullerton, CA

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Not many people have heard of broken heart syndrome, but did you know some mistake broken heart syndrome with a heart attack. Like a heart attack, broken heart syndrome has similar symptoms such as increased heart rate, shortness of breath and chest pain.

Broken heart syndrome, also known as stress-induced cardiomyopathy, can strike even the healthiest of people, but the exact cause is still unclear. Women are more likely to experience sudden chest pain (a surge of stress hormones) which is caused by the emotionally stressful event. Known triggers of broken heart syndrome are unexpected death of a loved one, divorce or separation, betrayal, or even a surprise party. In broken heart syndrome, a part of your heart enlarges for a short period and doesn’t pump as well, while other parts of your heart function just fine.

What makes broken heart syndrome different from a heart attack?

  • EKG (test that records hearts electric activity) results aren’t the same as someone who is having a heart attack.
  • Tests show no signs of blockage in the coronary arteries.
  • Blood tests show no or little signs of heart damage.
  • Tests show ballooning of the lower left heart chamber.
  • Fast recovery time, typically within days or weeks.

In some cases broken heart syndrome can be life threatening, but the good news is most people usually tend to make a full recovery.

Take care of yourself and get heart healthy today by contacting Dr. Gordon C. Gunn, MD at 714-912-2211 or visit www.gordongunnmd.com to learn more about hearth health.

Dr. Gordon Gunn also proudly serves Buena Park, La Mirada, Yorba Linda, Diamond Bar, Walnut and surrounding areas.

Stress: Symptoms, Causes and Managing | Fullerton, CA

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Wellness is a dynamic process and it changes with age and circumstance. Understanding your current state of wellness improves your knowledge, helps you set goals and empowers you to make better choices for a healthier life.  Stress can greatly affect your wellness. Understanding more about stress and how to limit your stress can help lead you to a path of wellness.

Common Symptoms of Stress:

  • Headaches
  • Backaches
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Recurring nightmares
  • Irritability
  • Loss of concentration

Common Causes of Stress:

  • Health problems
  • Financial concerns
  • Communication issues at work and home
  • Social isolation

It is important to investigate symptoms of stress as prolonged stress poses a potential health threat. Chronic stress is believed to raise the risk of increased blood pressure (hypertension), heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic back pain, depression and a reduced immune response.

Effective steps for dealing with stress:

  • Discuss your symptoms and your feelings about them
  • Keep a diary to gain insight into your concerns and emotional patterns
  • Exercise regularly engaging in both aerobic and weight training
  • Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation deep breathing exercises
  • Maintain your immune system by eating well balanced meals, exercising regularly and getting sufficient sleep.
  • Avoid destructive behaviors, including overindulgence of alcohol, caffeine or smoking
  • Seek professional help if any of your symptoms persist, interfering with your sense of well-being and/or your personal/work relationships.
  • Medications
    • Recurrent acute anxiety (episodic anxiety): Diazepam (Valium), Lorazepam (Ativan), or Alprazolin (Xanax). These drugs work very rapidly to alleviate symptomatic anxiety and should not be taken for more than two weeks.
    • Depression: When anxiety is part of an underlying depression or a more generalized anxiety disorder the following medications may be considered: Selective serotonin-uptake inhibitors: Fluoxetin (Prozac), or Paroxetine (Paxil) or other antidepressant medication. These drugs can take up to six weeks to achieve their full therapeutic effect.
    • Insomnia: Zaleplon (Sonata), Zolpiden (Ambien) or Temazapan (Restoril), short term use.

    Contact Gordon C. Gunn, M.D. in Fullerton, CA for more information on stress, women’s wellness or for any other gynecological or urology needs. Call 714-912-2211 or visit his website www.gordongunnmd.com.