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Navigating Menopause: Understanding the Transformative Journey of a Woman’s Body | Fullerton, CA

Menopause is a natural biological process that marks the end of a woman’s reproductive years, typically occurring between the ages of 45 and 55. This transformative phase brings about significant changes in a woman’s body as she transitions from her reproductive years to post-menopause. Let’s delve into the intricacies of this journey and explore how the female body evolves during menopause and beyond.

As a woman enters perimenopause, which can start several years before menopause, her body begins to undergo a series of hormonal fluctuations. Estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate irregularly, leading to changes in the menstrual cycle. Women may experience irregular periods, shorter or longer cycles, and changes in menstrual flow. Hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and sleep disturbances are also common symptoms during this phase due to hormonal imbalances.

As menopause approaches and estrogen production declines, women may notice significant changes in their bodies. Vaginal dryness and thinning of vaginal tissues can occur, leading to discomfort during intercourse. Loss of bone density becomes a concern, increasing the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Changes in metabolism may lead to weight gain, particularly around the abdomen. Additionally, fluctuations in hormone levels can affect mood, cognitive function, and libido.

Once menopause is reached, typically defined as 12 consecutive months without a menstrual period, many of the symptoms experienced during perimenopause may subside. However, the effects of declining estrogen levels continue to impact the body. The risk of cardiovascular disease increases as estrogen’s protective effects on the heart diminish. Changes in skin elasticity and collagen production may lead to dryness, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise and a balanced diet, becomes essential for managing these changes and supporting overall well-being.

Post-menopause, the body continues to adapt to lower estrogen levels. Women may face ongoing challenges such as vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, and an increased risk of bone fractures. Regular health screenings, including bone density tests and cardiovascular assessments, are important for early detection and management of age-related health concerns.

Menopause represents a significant milestone in a woman’s life, accompanied by a myriad of changes in her body. By understanding and embracing these changes, women can navigate this transformative journey with grace and confidence, prioritizing self-care and adopting healthy lifestyle habits to optimize their well-being during and after menopause.

If you would like to learn more about how you can ensure your health, contact Dr. Gordon C. Gunn MD in Fullerton, CA at 714-912-2211 or visit our website at for more information regarding women’s health. 

Dr. Gordon Gunn proudly serves Buena Park, La Mirada, Yorba Linda, Diamond Bar, Walnut and all surrounding areas.

The Vital Role of Nutrition in Lifelong Health | Fullerton, CA

From the first breaths of infancy to the golden years of retirement, nutrition is the silent architect shaping the edifice of our health. It’s the fuel that propels us through the milestones of life, influencing our growth, development, and overall well-being at every stage. Let’s embark on a journey through the ages and explore the profound impact of nutrition on our health.

In the tender years of infancy, nutrition lays the foundation for growth and development. Breast milk, the gold standard of infant nutrition, provides essential nutrients and antibodies crucial for building a robust immune system and supporting cognitive development. As infants transition to solid foods, introducing a diverse array of nutrient-rich foods fosters healthy eating habits that can last a lifetime.

The childhood years are marked by rapid growth and exploration, where nutrition continues to play a pivotal role. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains fuels physical activity, supports cognitive function, and fortifies the immune system against infections. It’s during this time that dietary habits are formed, shaping dietary preferences and behaviors well into adulthood.

Adolescence heralds a period of dynamic change, both physically and emotionally. Proper nutrition during this phase is essential for supporting hormonal fluctuations, bone growth, and cognitive development. Iron-rich foods are particularly crucial for adolescent girls to prevent anemia, while calcium is vital for building strong bones and teeth. Encouraging healthy eating habits and body positivity can mitigate the risk of developing disordered eating patterns and promote a healthy relationship with food.

As we transition into adulthood, the role of nutrition in maintaining health and preventing chronic diseases becomes increasingly apparent. A balanced diet, coupled with regular physical activity, is key to preventing obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and certain cancers. Making informed food choices and practicing portion control are fundamental for achieving and maintaining a healthy weight and optimizing overall health.

The later years bring their own set of nutritional challenges, as aging bodies require fewer calories but more nutrients to support optimal health. Adequate intake of protein, calcium, vitamin D, and B vitamins becomes paramount for preserving muscle mass, bone density, and cognitive function. Additionally, hydration becomes increasingly important to maintain proper organ function and prevent dehydration.

Nutrition is the thread that weaves through the tapestry of our lives, influencing our health and vitality from infancy to old age. By nourishing our bodies with wholesome foods and adopting healthy eating habits, we empower ourselves to lead vibrant and fulfilling lives at every stage of the journey.

If you would like to learn more about how you can ensure your health, contact Dr. Gordon C. Gunn MD in Fullerton, CA at 714-912-2211 or visit our website at for more information regarding women’s health. 

Dr. Gordon Gunn proudly serves Buena Park, La Mirada, Yorba Linda, Diamond Bar, Walnut and all surrounding areas.

The Difference Between Commercial and Concierge Health Services | Fullerton, CA

Concierge and commercial medical services represent two distinct approaches to healthcare delivery, each offering unique benefits and considerations for patients. Understanding the differences between these models can help individuals make informed decisions about their healthcare needs.

Concierge medical services, often referred to as boutique or personalized medicine, prioritize individualized care and enhanced patient-provider relationships. In a concierge practice, patients typically pay an annual or monthly fee in exchange for exclusive access to their physician and a comprehensive array of services. This fee-based model allows for longer appointment times, same-day or next-day appointments, and increased availability for communication with healthcare providers. Additionally, concierge practices often offer preventive services, wellness programs, and personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s specific needs and preferences. This personalized approach fosters a deeper level of trust and collaboration between patients and their healthcare providers, leading to more proactive and effective healthcare management.

On the other hand, commercial medical services operate within the traditional fee-for-service or insurance-based healthcare system. In this model, patients typically pay for medical services on a per-visit basis or through their insurance plans. Commercial practices may have larger patient volumes, shorter appointment times, and less emphasis on personalized care and preventive services. While commercial medical services offer a wide range of medical treatments and specialties, patients may experience longer wait times for appointments, limited access to their healthcare providers, and less continuity of care.

One of the key differences between concierge and commercial medical services lies in the level of access and attention patients receive from their healthcare providers. In a concierge practice, patients often have direct access to their physician via phone, email, or virtual consultations, leading to more timely and personalized care. In contrast, patients in commercial practices may have to navigate through administrative hurdles and wait times to communicate with their healthcare providers.

Ultimately, the choice between concierge and commercial medical services depends on individual preferences, healthcare needs, and financial considerations.

If you would like to learn more about how you can ensure your health, contact Dr. Gordon C. Gunn MD in Fullerton, CA at 714-912-2211 or visit our website at for more information regarding women’s health. 

Dr. Gordon Gunn proudly serves Buena Park, La Mirada, Yorba Linda, Diamond Bar, Walnut and all surrounding areas.

Understanding Concierge Medical Services | Fullerton, CA

Concierge medical services offer a comprehensive approach to healthcare, providing patients with personalized attention and a wide range of preventive measures tailored to their individual needs. As a gynecologist, my journey into concierge medicine began over 25 years ago when I recognized the need for a more holistic approach to women’s health. Since then, I have expanded my services to encompass not only gynecology but also preventative cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, female urology, and my unique Longevity Program.

My philosophy is simple: provide the best medical care possible by staying updated with the latest research and offering a clear understanding of options to achieve optimal health. This commitment to excellence has led me to continually expand my services, now catering to both female and male patients.

The scope of my concierge medical care is extensive, covering a broad spectrum of preventive measures and screenings. My Longevity Program offers an in-depth evaluation and examination, preventive cardiology, and assessments for conditions like prediabetes and atherosclerosis. Additionally, I provide genetic testing for various diseases, including Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular conditions, enabling early detection and personalized interventions.

Annual medical screenings form a crucial part of my practice, ensuring early detection of potential health issues. For women, this includes clinical breast exams, pelvic exams, and screenings for sexually transmitted infections, while men undergo testicular exams and other relevant screenings. Everyone can benefit from regular physical exams, blood work, and immunizations based on their age and risk factors, regardless of gender.

As patients age, the frequency and scope of screenings evolve to address changing health needs. For instance, individuals aged 40 and above undergo mammograms, prostate screenings, and Boston Heart Diagnostics’ proprietary cardiovascular risk screenings. Those over 50 receive additional screenings for osteoporosis, lung cancer, and immunizations against shingles and pneumonia.

Concierge medical services prioritize proactive health management, empowering patients to take control of their well-being through personalized preventive measures. By offering comprehensive evaluations, screenings, and ongoing support, I strive to ensure that each patient receives the highest standard of care, tailored to their unique health profile and goals.

If you would like to learn more about how you can ensure your health, contact Dr. Gordon C. Gunn MD in Fullerton, CA at 714-912-2211 or visit our website at for more information regarding women’s health. 

Dr. Gordon Gunn proudly serves Buena Park, La Mirada, Yorba Linda, Diamond Bar, Walnut, and all surrounding areas.

Here’s How You Can Boost Your Health | Fullerton, CA

Smart lifestyle choices are the key to enjoying the most life has to offer. If you’re wondering how you can make a change that is going to make you feel better, these are some things we invite you to consider.

Your Eating Habits. Eating as many natural, unprocessed foods as possible is the first major component of health. Whole grains, fiber-rich foods, and lean meats and fish are the foundation of a well-rounded diet, as well as low-fat dairy products. Maintaining a properly balanced diet of natural foods helps you maintain your weight, ensures you are getting the vitamins and minerals you need, and can help you fight a variety of illnesses.

Get Active. Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States. Regular exercise, even just a 30-minute walk per day, or at least five days per week, is a great way to be active. Regular exercise maintains heart health, reduces the risk of obesity (which can lead to other health complications), and offers an opportunity to take a mental health break.

Manage Your Stress. Whether we feel the pressure from our work or home life, chronic or accumulated stress over time can quickly degrade our quality of life. Meditation, yoga, exercise, reading, or any other activity that allows you to take a step back and relax will help keep your stress under control, and it’s very important we all find something that works for us.

Kick Harmful Habits. Tobacco products, cigarette smoke, and drugs are all things we should avoid if we want to boost our health. The consumption of alcohol, if you do, should be kept in moderation; binge drinking is not only a poor health choice, it may indicate that there are deeper problems to address.

Wear Sunscreen Daily. Skin cancer is a very real concern for people, as it can afflict anyone, at any age. Wear sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15, and when possible, wear a hat or other SPF-rated clothing when you intend to be in the sun for prolonged amounts of time. Check your skin for concerning discoloration or moles, and have them evaluated by a dermatologist if they change over time.

Women Should Check For Breast Cancer. Women are recommended to perform monthly breast exams. In the shower, place one hand over your head, and with the opposite hand, use two fingers to make small circles as you work around your entire breast, and repeat on the opposite side. You are attempting to feel for any lumps in the breast that may indicate a pose tally cancerous tumor. Women prone to breast cancer should begin receiving yearly mammograms at the age of 35, and those without a family history should begin at 40.

Follow these tips to boost your health, your body and mind will thank you for it.

If you would like to learn more about how you can ensure your health, contact Dr. Gordon C. Gunn MD in Fullerton, CA at 714-912-2211 or visit our website at for more information regarding women’s health. 

Dr. Gordon Gunn proudly serves Buena Park, La Mirada, Yorba Linda, Diamond Bar, Walnut and all surrounding areas.

The Symptoms and Causes of Stress, and How To Overcome It | Fullerton, CA

In this fast-paced world, we are all juggling responsibilities at home, work, and in our personal lives which cause us stress. Stress is a normal part of being human, and helps us navigate the world in its own way. Yet, chronic stress can be very detrimental to our health and well-being. Chronic stress is believed to raise the risk of increased blood pressure (hypertension), heart disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic back pain, and depression, and inhibit our immune response. The symptoms of stress can stem from a variety of factors, but overcoming it is key.

Common Symptoms of Stress

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Recurring nightmares
  • Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Backaches
  • Loss of concentration

If you are experiencing an undue amount of daily stress, we invite you to consider the following.

  • Exercise regularly engaging in both aerobic and weight training.
  • Practice relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation deep breathing exercises.
  • Maintain your immune system by eating well-balanced meals, exercising regularly, and getting sufficient sleep.
  • Discuss your symptoms and your feelings about them.
  • Keep a diary to gain insight into your concerns and emotional patterns.
  • Avoid destructive behaviors, including overindulgence of alcohol, caffeine, or smoking.

Stress happens, but it’s important to recognize the symptoms, discover the causes, and reach out for help in navigating away from stress to maintain your quality of life.

If you would like more information about dealing with stress, contact Dr. Gordon C. Gunn MD at 714-912-2211 or visit to schedule an appointment today.

Dr. Gunn proudly serves Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

womens health

Common Warning Signs of Breast Cancer | Fullerton, CA

Breast cancer is a leading type of cancer in women, affecting just under 300,000 men and women each year. While breast cancer is the leading cancer in women, it does not discriminate based on the age or sex of the individual. The mutation of a breast tissue cell into a cancerous one is not something we can predict, but it is something we can attempt to prevent.

At-Home Screening:

Around the time a woman has her period, it is recommended she screen herself in the shower. Simply place one arm over your head, and relax it. Take two fingers on the opposite hand and move in a spiral pattern around the breast, making small circles with your fingers as you go. You are attempting to feel a difference in the breast that is not normally present, such as:

  • Nipple tenderness, lump, or thickening in or near your breast or underarm area
  • Change in the texture of your skin or enlargement of the pores of your breasts
  • A lump in your breast (even if it’s small make sure to see a professional for a screening)

It’s also important to pay attention to your nipples. If any of the following begins to appear, it may be best to consult with your doctor.

  • Unexplained swelling of your breast
  • Unexplained shrinkage of your breast
  • Recent unexplained asymmetry of your breast. It’s common for women to have one breast larger than the other.
  • Any unexplained change in the size or shape of your breast
  • Dimpling anywhere on your breast
  • Your nipple is slightly inward or inverted
  • The skin of your breast, areola, or nipple that becomes red, scaly, or swollen or resembles the skin of an orange
  • Nipple discharge

At-home exams are a great place to start and can provide valuable indicators of potential issues, allowing you to catch cancer early before it catches you off guard. If you do feel any concerning lumps, or tenderness, or visually see a change in any part of your breast, contact your doctor for an appointment as soon as possible so they may evaluate your concerns.

If you would like more information about breast cancer symptoms, contact Dr. Gordon C. Gunn MD at 714-912-2211 or visit to schedule an appointment today.

Dr. Gunn proudly serves Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

What To Know About Recovering From A Heart Attack | Fullerton, CA

Heart attacks are a jolting experience. They can make anyone overwhelmed, anxious, fearful, and like their world has been turned on its head, and for good reason. Heart attacks are the leading cause of death in the United States. The following are ways you can begin recovering from a heart attack, and help yourself avoid one.

Take Your Medication. If you have had a heart attack, or have hypertension that puts you at an increased risk for a heart attack, be sure to take any prescribed medication as recommended by your doctor. It’s important to maintain your regimen, even if it comes with an adjustment period.

Quit Smoking. Cigarettes are a primary risk factor for heart disease. The carcinogenic ingredients in the cigarette and the smoke are awful for our health. Just one year after quitting cigarettes greatly reduces your risk of a heart attack.

Manage Stress. Chronically elevated levels of cortisol degrade your health over time in a number of ways that makes you more prone to experiencing a heart attack. Practice yoga, meditation, regular exercise, reading, or any other activities that help you take a moment for yourself away from the things that stress you out.

Eat Well. Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet of high fiber, natural, and whole grain foods is paramount to retaining a healthy body weight, and keeps your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose levels within the normal range.

Stay Active. Going for a 30-minute walk, five times a week is an easy way to remain active if you have experienced a heart attack, or want to reduce your risk. Swimming, biking, running, and any other cardio you enjoy also work to maintain your health and reduce risk.

If you would like more information on recovery after a heart attack, contact Dr. Gordon C. Gunn MD at 714-912-2211 or visit to schedule an appointment today. 

Top Tips To Improve Your Sleep | Fullerton, CA

How long and how well you sleep each night has a profound impact on your health. It is recommended everyone get no more than eight hours of great sleep per night, as too little or too much sleep sharply influences your well-being. Here are some simple ways you can improve your sleep.

Create a Schedule. You influence your circadian rhythm, one of which is our sleep cycle. Going to bed and waking up at consistent times each day goes a long way. You will train yourself to fall asleep and wake up more easily. Keeping a sleep diary will help you track the change in the rhythm over time, and allow you to report how you feel each day. Ideally, as your cycle becomes synchronized, your quality of sleep, and how you feel in the morning will improve.

Avoid Caffeine, Nicotine, and Alcohol Before Bed. Not only is the overindulgence of these things bad for us in general, they greatly reduce the quality of our sleep. Caffeine and nicotine are stimulants that can take up to eight hours to wear off. Nicotine in particular can can cause someone to sleep lightly and wake up before they are ready due to withdrawal. Alcohol is a depressant that often leads people to wake up at night and worsens snoring and sleep apnea.

Improve Your Surroundings. Keep blue light interference from televisions, phones, and laptops generally away from your sleep space. It reinforces the notion that your room is where you sleep. We influence our sleep rhythm, so when we reinforce sleeping patterns with a space that enhances relaxation and reduces distraction, we can enjoy a greater quality of sleep.

Limit Naps, Increase Activity. If you enjoy an afternoon nap, it may be disrupting your ability to sleep at night. Something that can help you improve your sleep is remaining physically active, and it releases endorphins and wears us out. However, we shouldn’t exercise within 2-3 hours of our bed time, because it doesn’t give our bodies enough time to return to normal levels before attempting to relax into sleep.

Avoid Food and Beverages Before Bed. Drinking liquids and the consumption of anything before bed will cause you to urinate in the night, breaking up your sleep cycle and causing you to feel more tired and groggy in the morning than you would have otherwise been.

If you would like more information about getting a good night’s sleep, contact Dr. Gordon C. Gunn MD at 714-912-2211 or visit to schedule an appointment today. 

Dr. Gunn proudly serves Fullerton and all surrounding areas.

A Brief History About Estrogen Replacement | Fullerton, CA

In 1991, the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) launched the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI), designed to test the effects of hormone therapy on heart disease, bone fractures, breast cancer and colon cancer. One group of women who had undergone a hysterectomy received oral estrogen (Premarin) alone [estrogen replacement therapy or ERT]. A second group received a combination of Premarin and progesterone (PremPro) [combination hormone replacement therapy or HRT]. A third group received a placebo, which contained no hormones. In 2002, the study was stopped because the Provera group was associated with a slight increase in the incidence of breast cancer, heart attack, stroke, and blood clots.

In April 2011, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) published a follow-up study of the women in the WHI who took estrogen alone. The finding: a statistically significant reduction in breast cancer over time. Among the women with a prior hysterectomy treated with estrogen alone and followed for 11 years, there was NO increased risk of heart attack, stroke, blood clots, hip fracture, colon cancer, or mortality.

After a decade of fear and confusion regarding the risks and benefits of estrogen replacement therapy, medical studies have now clearly established its safety and its health benefits. In March 2012, the North American Menopause Society released a statement that supports these findings, stating that combination hormone therapy (both estrogen and progesterone) initiated around the time of menopause is safe.

If you would like more information on hormone therapy, contact Dr. Gordon C. Gunn MD in Fullerton, CA at 714-912-2211 to schedule an appointment today. Or visit for additional information regarding women’s health.

Dr. Gordon Gunn proudly serves Buena Park, La Mirada, Yorba Linda, Diamond Bar, Walnut and all surrounding Orange County areas.