October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among American women, affecting around 268,600 women and men each year. Breast cancer does not discriminate; it affects people of all ages and races. One of the first steps we can take towards effectively identifying and treating breast cancer is by taking preventive action and being aware of the symptoms that come along with this terrible disease. The following list includes breast cancer symptoms that we should all be aware of:
The way the breast or nipple feels
- Nipple tenderness, lump or thickening in or near your breast or underarm area
- Change in the texture of your skin or enlargement of the pores of your breasts
- A lump in your breast (even if it’s small make sure to see professional for a screening)
Breast or nipple appearance
- Any unexplained change in size or shape of your breast
- Dimpling anywhere on your breast
- Unexplained swelling of your breast
- Unexplained shrinkage of your breast
- Recent unexplained asymmetry of your breast. It’s common for women to have one breast larger than the other.
- Your nipple is slightly inward or inverted
- Skin of your breast, areola, or nipple that becomes red, scaly or swollen or resembles the skin of an orange
Nipple discharge
Particularly if you have clear discharge or bloody discharge
Most times these symptoms are not due to cancer, but if you have any breast cancer symptoms you should be seen by your doctor immediately to be sure you’re healthy and cancer free. Your doctor is the expert and will always be able to check for breast cancer before you have any noticeable symptoms.
If you would like more information about breast cancer symptoms, contact Dr. Gordon C. Gunn MD at 714-912-2211 or visit www.gordongunnmd.com to schedule an appointment today.
Dr. Gunn proudly serves Fullerton and all surrounding areas.