Tag Archives: Urinary Incontinence

Control your Bladder Incontinence with Kegel Exercises | Fullerton, CA

Pure, Natural, BeautyAn obstetrician named Dr. Arnold Kegel originally described pelvic floor muscle exercises. Their purpose is to strengthen the pelvic floor muscle supporting the urethra in order to control the accidental loss of urine during physical exertion (i.e. sneezing, coughing, laughing, running, or exercising). This type of loss of urinary control is called Urinary Stress Incontinence, and can have a considerable impact on the overall quality of life and well-being.

The pelvic floor muscle is called the ‘levator’ muscle and when contracted helps to stop urination, prevent passing gas or a bowel movement, and to tighten the vagina during intercourse. The levator muscle forms the floor of the pelvis and supports the urethra, vagina, and rectum. It consists of two types of muscle fibers: “slow-twitch” (70%) and “fast-twitch” (30%). Both muscle fiber types should be exercised to improve the muscle’s tone and ability to rapidly contract when ‘stressed’. The muscle can be identified by placing two fingers inside the vagina, tightening your levator muscle, and feeling the squeeze. You do not need to squeeze your abdominal, thigh, or buttocks muscles. Just focus on squeezing or tightening your urethra, vagina, and anus. If you can slow or stop the flow of urine, you are using the levator muscle.

A strong levator muscle improves bladder function in two important ways:

1. Improves stress incontinence: During a sudden cough or sneeze, the pelvic floor muscles contract, supporting the bladder and decreasing the accidental loss of urine. The stronger the muscle, the better the control.

2. Suppresses the ‘urge’ to urinate: When you feel an inconvenient urge to urinate contract your levator muscle (slow-twitch exercise). There is an immediate nerve impulse sent to the bladder to relax

Two types of exercise are necessary to adequately strengthen the levator muscle and should be performed the sense of urgency. The stronger your levator muscle, the greater the nerve stimulation to relieve the urge sensation.

Two types of exercise are necessary to adequately strengthen the levator muscle and should be performed every time you finish urinating. These should be used on alternating days’

‘Slow-Twitch’ Muscle Exercise

Squeeze your levator muscle and hold it tight for a slow count of five seconds, relax, and repeat again for a total of five (5) contractions. (Remember, do not tighten your thigh, abdominal, or buttocks muscles; tighten only your levator muscle). As you gradually strengthen your pelvic muscle, work your way up to twenty (20) contractions.

‘Fast-Twitch’ Muscle Exercise

Quickly contract and relax your levator muscle 30 to 50 times, relax for ten seconds, and repeat again for a total of two to three sets. You may only be able to start out with a total of 30 “quick flicks”. Over a period of a few weeks you will be able to increase the number up to a total of 200.

Within 6-8 weeks of consistently performing these exercises you will notice a definite improvement. Don’t quit. Every time you go to the bathroom and after you finish urinating (before you stand up), perform either one of the above levator muscle exercises (switch each time or each day). Remember, this is now part of your normal urinating routine. It is what you do every time you go to the bathroom. It is like any isometric exercise. If you don’t exercise this muscle regularly, it will become weak again and your symptoms will return. Many patients with urinary stress incontinence have cured their symptoms completely by performing these exercises.

Contact Dr. Gordon Gunn today at (714) 912-2211 to schedule an appointment.

Dr. Gordon Gunn also proudly serves Buena Park, La Mirada, Yorba Linda, Diamond Bar, Walnut, and surrounding areas.

FAQ’s About Urinary Incontinence | Fullerton, CA

iStock_000005142700SmallWhat is Female Urology?

Female Urology (referred to as Urogynecology) is a subspecialty within Obstetrics and Gynecology that focuses on disorders of the female pelvic floor such as pelvic organ prolapse (bulging out of the uterus and/or vagina), urinary incontinence and fecal incontinence.

How common is urinary incontinence among women?

It is estimated that 11 million American women currently suffer from leakage of urine. However, that estimate may be low. A study of 2800 postmenopausal women funded by the National Institute on Aging found that 56% of women experienced urinary incontinence at least weekly. Many women incorrectly assume that urine leakage is normal. While this problem may be very common, it should not be considered normal.

What causes urinary incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is the involuntary discharge of urine. There are many possible causes of urinary incontinence. The key to treatment is identifying the specific type of the incontinence a woman is experiencing through a careful medical interview and a focused physical exam. Frequently, a special test called urodynamics is recommended to accurately diagnose the problem. Urodynamics studies should always be performed when a woman is considering surgery to correct her incontinence.

The two most common types of urinary incontinence are “stress incontinence” and “urge incontinence”. Stress incontinence is accidental urine leakage that occurs during physical activities that cause a sudden pressure (or “stress”) on the bladder such as laughing, lifting, coughing, or sneezing. Urge incontinence is urine leakage that occurs before a woman has a chance to get to the bathroom in response to urge to urinate. Women with this type of leakage may also experience frequent urges to urinate, the inability to suppress the urge and frequent nighttime waking to urinate.

What treatment options are available?

Treatment for urinary incontinence varies on the type and severity of incontinence. The first step in treating the problem is determining an accurate diagnosis.

Stress incontinence can be effectively treated with pelvic floor exercises, devices that “block” the loss of urine, or surgery.

Urge incontinence is commonly treated with medication, biofeedback, or electrical stimulation to the nerves that control the bladder.

There is a wide variety of non-surgical and surgical treatment options available for all kinds of urinary incontinence.

What are the surgical options to treat stress incontinence?

When it comes to treating stress incontinence, not all surgical procedures are equal. There are many variations of anti-incontinence surgery, but the two surgical procedures that have the best results are retropubic urethropexy (Burch Procedure) and the trans-vaginal sub-urethral sling. The tension free vaginal tape (TVT) has rapidly replaced most other surgeries for stress incontinence. The TVT procedure involves the placement of synthetic sling material at the mid-urethra. The procedure takes approximately 45 minutes and may be performed on an outpatient basis. Although no surgery for incontinence has a 100% cure rate, the retropubic urethropexy or suburethral sling permanently cure 75-95% of women suffering with stress incontinence.

What are the risks of surgery to correct stress urinary incontinence?

All surgical procedures present some risks. Although rare, potential complications may include difficulty emptying the bladder and development of urge incontinence.

How can I prevent this problem?

All the factors that cause urinary incontinence are not fully understood, so it is difficult to recommend ways to prevent the problem. Pelvic muscle exercises, also known as “Kegel” exercises, help strengthen the pelvic floor and are probably the best thing you can do to help prevent stress incontinence. Refer to: Health Topics for Women, Bladder Problems on this website.

Contact Dr. Gordon Gunn today at (714) 912-2211 to schedule an appointment.

Dr. Gordon Gunn also proudly serves Buena Park, La Mirada, Yorba Linda, Diamond Bar, Walnut, and surrounding areas.

Treatment Options for an Overactive Bladder | Fullerton, CA

Grandparent and daughterSuffering from an Overactive Bladder can be life altering. The good news is an Overactive Bladder can be treated. Some of the treatment options are as follows:

  • Dietary changes
  • Fluid management
  • Pelvic muscle exercises
  • Drug therapy
  • Sacral nerve stimulation

Dietary Changes

Some symptoms of overactive bladder can be managed by changing your diet. Keeping a diary of what foods you eat and how much fluids you consume can possible help you form a correlation between consumption and urination.

Some foods and drinks to avoid are:

  • Caffeine – Increases bladder activity.
  • Alcohol – It has been shown to act as a bladder stimulant. It triggers symptoms of overactive bladder and acts as a diuretic, increasing the frequency of urination.
  • Artificial Sweeteners – Studies have shown sweeteners negatively affect bladder function. Frequency and urgency of urination were increased after consuming drinks with artificial sweeteners.

The best thing for you to drink is plenty of water. Water is a great beverage for your bladder. Some people think by not drinking water they will help their overactive bladder. However, not enough water intake leads to urine that is highly concentrated. Dark yellow and strong smelling urine actually makes you go to the bathroom more often and causes bacteria to grow.

Pelvic Muscle Exercises

These type of exercises help prevent and/or alleviate symptoms, since they strengthen the pelvic floor. They send a signal to the bladder to relax and resume filling. Through regular exercises you can build strength and endurance to help regain and maintain bladder control.

InterStim Therapy

The InterStim Therapy process works by delivering electrical stimulation directly to the sacral nerves. It is shown to be successful in 4 out of 5 patients. InterStim therapy involves two stages. First, there is a test. Then second, a permanent implant. The implant delivers electrical stimulation without having to revisit the doctor. It is an outpatient procedure. The implant is surgically placed under the skin in the upper buttock or abdomen. It stimulates the sacral nerve using electric pulses.

Contact Dr. Gordon Gunn today at (714) 912-2211 to schedule an appointment.

Dr. Gordon Gunn also proudly serves Buena Park, La Mirada, Yorba Linda, Diamond Bar, Walnut, and surrounding areas.

Bladder Incontinence, you are not alone | Fullerton, CA

mature woman blonde greyBladder incontinence or the unintentional loss of urine, is a problem for more than 13 million Americans—85 percent of them women. Even though around half of the elderly population has bladder incontinence, it is not usually a consequence of age.
Several factors cause bladder incontinence. Women are most likely to develop it during pregnancy and childbirth, or after the hormonal changes of menopause, because of weakened pelvic muscles. Older men can become incontinent as the result of prostate surgery. Pelvic trauma, spinal cord damage, caffeine, or medications including cold or over-the-counter diet tablets also can cause incontinence.

But even though urinary incontinence can be improved in 8 out of 10 cases, fewer than half of those with bladder problems ever discuss the condition with their health care professional. The condition often goes untreated.

Contact Dr. Gordon Gunn today at (714) 912-2211 to schedule an appointment.

Dr. Gordon Gunn also proudly serves Buena Park, La Mirada, Yorba Linda, Diamond Bar, Walnut, and surrounding areas.